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App Review of the Week: StoryPals

21st August, 2012

by Jessica Chase, M.A., CCC-SLP

“Whimsical. Enjoyable. Data-driven.” These are the three words that Eric Sailers used to describe his new application, StoryPals. I could not find a better way to start off a review of the application than to use these same words, because I completely agree.

To be honest, I have followed Eric Sailers for a while online. He has created/collaborated on many resources for speech-language pathologists, in particular related to technology. One of his most famous creations is the list of applications for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch for (Special) Education that he collaborated with others on. It is 36 pages long and was my inspiration for creating my application lists. In fact, I even e-mailed Sailers to ask what his secret was to creating such an amazing resource. Then, he began creating applications himself – ArtixPik, PhonoPix, and Percentally. These applications are to be used in speech-language therapy as a tool to assist in speech and language development. Sailers’ newest application is StoryPals, which focuses on reading comprehension. Right when I found out about it, I knew I had to review it, and sure enough, I received an e-mail from Sailers himself! Continue reading for my review of his latest application, StoryPals, and how you can use it in speech-language therapy! Also, make sure you read through to the end to learn how you can download the story “Feeling Green” for your StoryPals application, written by me!
Read the Rest of this Review on Consonantly Speaking

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