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OT / PT Corner: Why I Let My Kid Climb Up The Slide

slide[Source: Pink Oatmeal]
The golden rule of the park is climb up the stairs and slide down the slide.  I guess we are rule breakers around here, within reason.  I let my kid climb up the slide, I even encourage it.  Of course, we don’t climb up the slide when others are going down the slide.  We climb the slide when it’s appropriate time and place, and not impacting others trying to use the slide.  I even encourage climbing up the slide in my practice as a physical therapist.
Hamstring Strengthening – The hamstring is the muscle in the back of your thigh.  Climbing up the slide is an excellent way to get this hamstrings firing.  By getting your feet on the slide and hands holding onto the edges of the slide your hamstrings get a great work out.  The physical therapist in me loves this aspect of climbing the slide.
Read the Rest of this Terrific Article on Pink Oatmeal

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