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Sensory Activity of the Week: Rubbery Marshmallow Play Dough

[Source:  Therapy Fun Zone]
 have joined some other bloggers to share recipes and posts about sensory dough called the Twelve Months of Sensory Dough, and this month’s play dough is snow dough. When I think of snow, I think of white, and since marshmallow fluff worked so well in the sweet potato play dough, then I thought I would use it to make a snowy play dough. It turned out really well and has a bit of a rubbery consistency. It is stiff, light, and stretchy. I kept it in the refrigerator over night and in the morning it was hard as a rock so I put it in the microwave for 10 seconds and it was soft and rubbery again.
Get the Recipe from Therapy Fun Zone!

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