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Slide Bag Quiz – Fine Motor and Bimanual Skills

[Source:  Your Therapy Source]

If you need to sneak in some bimanual and fine motor skills practice with academic material, the Slide Bag Quiz is perfect!  I was reading a blog post by Dr. Jean (excellent blog) on individual response techniques and she suggested a slide bag.  It seemed like a creative idea so I gave it a try.  It is actually a high level fine motor and bimanual task as well.  I created a template to make it easy to get started right away.

Print out the templates (see below).  The templates include b versus d (for reinforcement of letter identification to reduce letter reversals), numbers 1-10 and blank templates.

Fold over the bottom of the template so it will fit inside the slide bag.

Read the Rest of the Directions and Watch a Video on Your Therapy Source

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