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When My Son on the Spectrum Told Me What He Thought of Sesame Street’s Julie

[Source: The Mighty]

When the “60 Minutes” segment about Julia, Sesame Street’s new autistic muppet character, aired, within minutes my Facebook feed was filled with stories about it, and my phone started pinging with text messages.

One of the stories included a link to the online video of the segment, which I turned on and my son came to stand next to me as I watched it.

I liked what I saw of Julia, such as not responding when other characters addressed her, and flapping her arms when she was excited.

I believe the introduction of this character and these behaviors was an important step to help normalize autism for other children, so that when they saw similar actions from their classmates, they could better understand and accept behavior that might be otherwise confusing to them.

Read the Rest of this Article and Watch a Clip with Julia

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