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Children with Autism Thrive in Mainstream Pre-Schools

[Source: Science Daily]

In a world first, breakthrough research has shown that toddlers with autism are just as capable of learning important life skills through early-intervention delivered in mainstream pre-schools as in specialized settings.

Over a period of three years, 44 children aged between 15 and 32 months were randomly assigned to classrooms that included only children with autism or to classrooms with typically developing peers.

Using the same type of intervention method for all children — the Group-Early Start Denver Model (G-ESDM)* developed at La Trobe — toddlers with autism showed improvements in their vocal skills, social interaction skills, imitation, verbal cognition and adaptive behaviors, irrespective of their learning environment.

La Trobe researcher, Dr Kristelle Hudry, said the findings confirm supporting pre-schoolers with autism in mainstream early childhood settings is achievable.

Read the Rest of this Article on Science Daily

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