Back to School Resource: Finding the Right Homework Spot

Editor’s Note: Our News Feed turned up this great article from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel which we thought was an excellent resource for OTs (and everyone actually) to share with the teachers and parents of the kiddos that you work with. Make sure you click on the link below. The bottom half of the article (which you will find on the Milwaukee Sentinel site) is a list of concrete suggestions on how to create a great homework space! According to the article, a pediatric OT was involved in creating this list of tips!
[Source: Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel]
Third grader Dominic Scanlan figures his homework station has everything he needs. After all, he put it together himself.
He decided that an unused nook under a staircase would be the perfect spot for him to work. He cleaned it, moved an old desk there, put up art and equipped it: pencils, paper, some favorite seashells, napkins (he sometimes eats dessert at his desk) and a set of tinted goggles “in case I want to see something in different colors,” said Dominic, 8.
“He calls it his office. Sometimes he calls it his laboratory,” said his father, Martin Scanlan, assistant professor of education at Marquette University. “If we would have said, ‘Dominic, this is your office,’ it would have been much different.”
The making of Dominic’s office illustrates the cardinal rule of a kid’s homework station, says his father: Get a kid involved in creating that homework space.
As kids head back to school, parents naturally want to pave the way for success – and a place to do homework is a piece of the puzzle.
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