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Book: Learning Re-Enabled – A Practical Guide to Helping Children with Learning Disabilities

1st January, 2008
Book, IEP, OT
[Image: learningreenabled.JPG]Learning Re-enabled is designed to help therapists, teachers, and parents understand the learning disabled child. The author, through extensive professional experience and a special devotion to learning disabled children, developed this book to be a resource for professionals and parents as they sort out the best possible learning plan for the child who learns differently. This book takes the approach that no two children are the same and that one needs to decipher both the child’s overt and covert behaviors to make informed choices about appropriate learning strategies.

  • Explanations of learning disabilities are in “plain English” that is easy to understand for the parent, therapist, and teacher.
  • The Individual Educational Plan meeting guidelines help parents and teachers take information from book and apply it directly to the child.
  • Dispels the myth that every child needs the same therapy and explains how to find the correct approach specific to each child.
  • The glossary of terms is functionally based and can be taught by professionals, or used by parents.
  • Before and after samples of handwriting from learning disabled children present a clear look at the obstacles and successes of learning disabled children
  • Explains the laws that impact getting public and private services and helps parents and teachers understand the subtleties of the laws that impact their children/students.
  • Shows occupational therapy in action so parents and their children can “see” what they will be doing.
  • Helps parents and professionals interpret behaviors of children with learning disabilities and gives them unique insight into what the child may be feeling.
  • Through graphs and text, parents and professionals can “see” the process of learning, helping them to understand the neurology behind a learning disability.
  • Provides a graph of how occupational therapy helps learning and interfaces with the academic setting.
  • An extensive resource list gives parents and professionals quick access to reputable resources.

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