Monthly Archive
January 1, 2008
This is a shortened version of a longer 82-minute film titled UP SYNDROME, which is a multi-award-winning documentary that has garnered international acclaim as one of the most honest portrayals of Down’s Syndrome ever committed to film. Synopsis: “University of Texas student…...
January 1, 2008
This is a shortened version of a longer 82-minute film titled UP SYNDROME, which is a multi-award-winning documentary that has garnered international acclaim as one of the most honest portrayals of Down’s Syndrome ever committed to film. Synopsis: “University of Texas student…...
January 1, 2008
By: Prelock, P. (2001, September 25). The ASHA Leader. It is a hopeful time for families and children affected by autism spectrum disorders (ASD). It is also a critical time for speech-language pathologists and audiologists to increase their knowledge and skill in the…...
January 1, 2008
Arvedson, J. & Homer, E. (2006, September 26). The ASHA Leader. Speech-language pathologists in schools have found their roles expanding in recent years to include identification, evaluation, and management of students with feeding and swallowing disorders (dysphagia). These students come to school…...
January 1, 2008
By: Madell, J. , Chute, P. & Kooper, R. (2002, September 10). The ASHA Leader. In the classroom, on the playground, and at school, competing noise prevents children who have hearing loss from clearly hearing a spoken message. Even with the best possible…...
January 1, 2008
By: Loren Shlaes, OT Certified Teacher of the Alexander Technique 1. Make sure that the child with attentional issues is sitting near an adult with his back facing a wall, or better yet, niched in a corner. A sensory defensive child lives in…...
Gildersleeve-Neumann, C. (2007, November 06). The ASHA Leader. When you work with a child with apraxia of speech, you gain a greater respect for the complexity of the speech task and why the understanding of motor learning theory is invaluable for treatment.…...
January 1, 2008
by: Chynna Laird What would you do if your child suffered with something so severe it affected every aspect of her life? And what if your cries for help fell on deaf ears at every turn? You’d follow your gut and fight…...
By: Anne van Bysterveldt, Gail Gillon and Susan Foster-Cohen This article can be found on Down Syndrome Online. Down Syndrome Online offers comprehensive information about Down syndrome, including articles, books and scientific papers. Adopting a sociocultural approach to the acquisition of literacy has resulted…...
Occupational Therapist, Hulet Smith, and his daughter, Sophia, who has Cerebral Palsy, demonstrates the LiteGait Trainer....