Monthly Archive
February 11, 2015
Editor’s Note:  Thank you to Shelley Hutchins at ASHA for asking me to update my favorite blog list for ASHAsphere.  It was a very hard project to do, as you will understand when you read it! by Heidi Kay, PediaStaff In the…...
[Source: Chapel Hill Snippets] I have the most adorable social skills group ever!  The group consists of five students ranging from third to fifth grade with various needs, but all of the kids are capable of accessing the regular curriculum.   This…...
February 10, 2015
  Congratulations to Meghan M., on her contracted OT position with one of PediaStaff’s clients in Northwestern, Illinois.    Megan will be working a varied caseload and includes students with learning and developmental delays, sensory and fine motor needs.    ...
February 9, 2015
Reviewed by Meghan Graham of Book by:  Lita Judge Book Description:  Similar to Lita Judge’s winter story, Red Sled (see review here) a little girl leaves her red hat outside on the clothes line, and many forest animals decide to borrow…...
February 9, 2015
[Source: Friendship Circle] For the fourth consecutive year, Friendship Circle is holding the Michaela Noam Kaplan Great Bike Giveaway,  a national contest in which children with special needs can win their very own adaptive bike.  We are partnering with adaptive bike companies from around the United States to…...
[Source:  Science Daily] “Atesi” — what sounds like a word from the Elven language of Lord of the Rings is actually a Vimmish word meaning “thought.” Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig have used…...
[Source:  Medical News Today] A new study by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill researchers finds that a collection of simple strategies used by parents can lead to significant improvements in one-year-olds at risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In the study, published…...
February 9, 2015
[Source:  Science Daily] James Hudziak, M.D., has two children who love ice hockey. His son skates for his college team and one of his daughters plays in high school. As a pediatric neuropsychiatrist and director of the Vermont Center for Children, Youth…...
Thank You to Margaret Rice of Your Therapy Source for these great freebies!! 1.  Follow that Monster:   Visual discrimination and visual motor activity 2.  Multisensory Handwriting Activity for Valentine’s Day 3.  Sample Pages from Valentine’s Day Handwriting Activities 4.  Conversation Heart Clothes…...
[Source:  Medical News Today] When we concentrate on something, we also engage in the unsung, parallel act of purposefully ignoring other things. A new study describes how the brain may achieve such “optimal inattention.” With this knowledge, scientists at Brown University hope…...