Monthly Archive
[Source:  Smart Apps for Special Needs] Teachers sharing their phone numbers with parents is always a hot topic at the beginning of the school year and a worry for many teachers.  Not to mention, those middle school and high school students that…...
[Source: Cheerful Speech Chatter] Years ago, I created a “Brain of a Resource Teacher” for a friend of mine to remind her how awesome she was at her very demanding job.  I decided to tweak what I had done for SLPs to…...
Check out this fantastic resource being developed by the Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network. The self-described mission of the site is to “help provide answers to questions about children’s language and literacy – answers that are based on relevant and up-to-date…...
All material Copyright © 2009 National Down Syndrome Society Reprinted with the express permission of the National Down Syndrome Society as originally published on their website. By: Maryanne Bruni, BSc OTc   Editor’s Note:   This article was originally written for parents but…...
December 19, 2013
PediaStaff Wishes You and Yours a Very Merry Christmas. To those of you who have already celebrated your winter holiday, we hope you enjoy some much deserved time off to spend with your loved ones as well! We will see you a…...
December 19, 2013
[Source: North Shore Pediatric Therapy] During the holidays, children are off of school, families are spending time together, the weather is changing, and everyone is eating delicious food! Parents can use this time off as the perfect time to do vocabulary building…...
Six in ten 13-year-old girls, compared to four in 10 boys the same age, are afraid of gaining weight or getting fat according to new research on eating disorders from the UCL Institute of Child Health (UK) in collaboration with the London…...
A good blogger friend of ours had this little ‘kids say the darnedest things’ gem on her Facebook page the other day, and I realized it would be a great one to send around as a meme.    So, with Loren Shlaes’…...
December 18, 2013
  Congratulations to speech-language pathologist husband and wife team, John and Robin P., who both got new placements in northwest Oregon this week through PediaStaff. Robin will support a caseload of students with significant cognitive disabilities and who are almost entirely non-verbal.  …...
December 18, 2013
The end of the year is time to reflect!  Please enjoy this list of the top ten viewed speech-language pathology articles we have featured here on PediaStaff since beginning this blog The Challenge of Persistent R Distortions; Clinical Thought and Therapy Ideas…...