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OT Corner: The Importance of Crossing Midline for Children with SPD

[Source: The Recycling OT]

Typically developing children naturally cross midline during play and functional activities. This is not a skill that parents usually teach, which is why you’ve probably never heard the term before. Children with dyspraxia other types of Sensory Processing disorders (SPD) may avoid crossing midline.

MIDLINE: is an imaginary vertical line running from the top of the head to the toes, that divides the body into left and right sides.

Seven-year-old Pedro reached for markers using whichever hand was closest to them, and then used that hand to color. He didn’t attempt to stabilize the paper with his opposite hand. Observing this, the teacher, consulted with the school occupational therapist, Leila. Leila recommended that he practice forming large circles on a whiteboard. She offered him a marker positioned directly in

Read the Rest of this Article on The Recycling Occupational Therapist

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