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SLP 2018/19 SY Attendance and Data Collection Freebie

20th June, 2018

[Source:  Activity Tailor]

I always have these grand ideas of filing away and reorganizing all of my materials before I check out for the summer (clients). Ha!

By the time progress notes are finished, I am more than happy to shut the door and say “I’ll get to it later.” With the idea that some bored, rainy summer day, I’ll forgo a matinee and popcorn and head it to clean. It never happens.

But, what I can do to feel a little more on top of things is print out a copy of next year’s attendance sheet and a bunch of data collection sheets and make copies.  That takes less than 15 minutes.

Read the Rest of this Post, and Download the Freebie on Activity Tailor 

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