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Autism Corner: Making Children on the Spectrum Feel Competent

Editor’s Note:   This article was written for parents, but would be a great resource to share with the parents and guardians of your kiddos with autism.

[Source:  My Aspergers Child]

A young person with Asperger’s (AS) or High-Functioning Autism (HFA) often feels powerless and inadequate. He tends to be a passive learner and needs to be totally involved in activities to make him an active learner. You can encourage hands-on activities (e.g., cleaning, cooking, shopping, and running errands, etc.) to show your “special needs” child that he is competent and can make things happen. These learning activities have the added benefit of resulting in visible, tangible products that are valued by the entire family.

Read the Rest of this Article on My Aspergers Child

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