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On the Sweeter Side: A Perfect Illustration!

This is wonderful!  If you ever wanted a single illustration that could show your colleagues how a child with autism might think differently about certain things – and be ‘spot on’ in his own way – this would be it!
This photo appeared on the social media site Reddit with the following title:  “2nd Graders homework. My friend’s (awesome) 6 yr old son is autistic and takes instructions literally”   It has received over 5000 “upvotes” so far.
Where is the “Love” button?

PediaStaff hires pediatric and school-based professionals nationwide for contract assignments of 2 to 12 months. We also help clinics, hospitals, schools, and home health agencies to find and hire these professionals directly. We work with Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational and Physical Therapists, School Psychologists, and others in pediatric therapy and education.


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