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SLP Ideas of the Week: 8 Ways to Use Painter's Tape in the Therapy Room

14th January, 2016

[Source: Activity Tailor]
painters tapeWho loves painter’s tape?  I do!  For a while I was into refinishing furniture and went through a MacKenzie-Childs inspired phase.  Here’s my wild laundry room which no one but me ever sees.  I’m so glad it’s a happy place because I’m not always happy to be there!
Obviously that patterning required a great deal of painters tape.
But painter’s tape can be used for lots of other projects and speech activities.  It comes in colors, is very easily ripped (even the kids can do it) and is low stick so it doesn’t (shouldn’t) damage what you stick it to.
Here are eight ideas for incorporating it’s use in the therapy room.
Interested??  Visit Activity Tailor for All the Great Ideas!

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