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Stuttering Foundation Gets Starring Role on The King's Speech DVD

[Source: The Stuttering Foundation]
The Stuttering Foundation’s captivating public service announcement plays a starring role on every copy of The King’s Speech DVD, which was released in April.
The 60-second PSA will let millions of people who view the movie in the years to come know that the Foundation offers free resources.
The King’s Speech has raised awareness of stuttering beyond any level we could ever have imagined. The actors’ incredibly accurate portrayal of the anguish faced by people who stutter has been instrumental in opening up honest dialogue about stuttering and its treatment,” said Jane Fraser, president of the Stuttering Foundation. She also thanked the film’s director and screenwriter “for giving us a hero and a movie we can look to for inspiration, much as my father looked to King George VI more than six decades ago.”
“We hope a copy of The King’s Speech DVD will end up in the home of every person who stutters and in schools and universities around the world,” added Fraser. “It is a story worth seeing over and over again for years to come.”
Visit the Stuttering Foundation’s SLP Page

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