Worth Repeating: Two Children’s Books for Halloween Reviewed in the New York Times – ‘Crankenstien’ and ‘Zombelina’

[Source: The New York Times]
For parents, the scariest thing about Halloween is the lurking question: When kids choose their Halloween costumes, are they choosing their alter egos — or revealing their true selves? In two new picture books, “Crankenstein,” written by Samantha Berger and illustrated by Dan Santat, and “Zombelina,” by Kristyn Crow with pictures by Molly Idle, kids really are monsters and zombies — and not just on Oct. 31.
Crankenstein is the grumpiest kid ever. “Have you seen Crankenstein?” Berger writes. “Oh, you would totally know if you had. You would say, Good morning!! How are you? Crankenstein would say, MEHHRRRR!” The text of this book is simple but effective: Crankenstein, who is green and none too pretty, but distinctly boy-like, never says a proper English word, but responds to all cheerful questions with loud monster-speak noises. Berger, vice president of animated shorts at Nickelodeon and the author of many children’s books, including “Martha Doesn’t Share!,” has a well-honed sense of comic timing that little kids find hilarious, and “Crankenstein,” with its many exclamation marks, growls and grumbles should unleash the actor in any adult kind enough to read it aloud.
Read the Rest of this Book Review on the New York Times Book Blog
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