SpEd/SLP Corner: Students With Limited Verbal Capabilities Can Thrive in Inclusive Classrooms

[Source: Edutopia]
My first exposure to a student who used augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) was when I taught in a self-contained disability-specific special education classroom. The student, Ringo, had a device like a small laptop that he used to type words and sentences, which were spoken aloud by the device. When Ringo received the device, I didn’t get much training other than a few consultations with the speech and language pathologist and a pat on the back for good luck.
After 13 years in the classroom, I realize now what I wish I knew then: Students who cannot rely on speech to be understood don’t have to be educated in segregated classrooms. And for educators who have students who require communication supports, training or preparation doesn’t have to be complex.
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