Autism Corner: Personality Types in Asperger’s: Fixated, Disruptive, Approach and Avoidant

[Source: My Aspergers Child]
Fixated Personality–The fixated personality type can be characterized by a preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and the need to control one’s environment (e.g., to have things in a particular order).
- compulsion to make lists and/or schedules
- feelings of excessive doubt and caution
- obsessive need for cleanliness
- perfectionism (that may sometimes interfere with task-completion)
- preoccupation with order and organization
- preoccupation with remembering and paying attention to minute details and facts
- rigid following of rules and regulations
- rigidity or inflexibility of beliefs
- stubbornness
- unreasonable insistence that others submit to his way of doing things
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