OT Corner: Pushing the Birds out of the Nest

[Source: The EleanorOT Blog]
By Eleanor Cawley M.S. OTR/L
When is it time to discharge?: This is always one of the biggest questions when it comes down to CSE Meetings and whether or not to recommend services for students next year. Of course, in a school-based setting, the big ‘money makers’ are handwriting and now keyboarding. Before making that decision, I think that it is important to look at the student’s level of function in a particular environment. I feel that when we report progress a rubric is very important but so is the environment or context in which the skill is performed. When I look at either handwriting or keyboarding I look at the following:
- Can the student perform the task automatically with my assistance in a therapy room?
- Can the student perform the task automatically in the therapy room without my assistance?
- Can the student perform the task automatically in a classroom with my assistance?
- Can the student perform the task automatically in a classroom without my assistance?
This is an important factor that is left out of documentation on goal progress. Anyone that knows about me, knows that I love to use rubrics. I love documentation to be clear and concise, understood without my being there to explain. So I often base my documentation on the level of self-sufficiency-does the student have the power to perform the task over a wide range of activities and settings. In other words, is the handwriting or keyboarding
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