Sticky Wing Dragonfly Craft

Editor’s Note: I love this. I would love to see an SLP use this craft and reward the child a sequin for every correct utterance!
[Source: No Time for Flashcards]
My daughter and I made this dragonfly craft together ages ago but sometimes crafts get skipped and we never post them. I have been waiting all winter to post this one and now that it is almost summer it’s time to share! I love contact paper crafts because even very young children can do much of the craft independently. Sticky crafts like this one that uses teeny tiny gems are great for fine tuning fine motor skills. Fine motor skills are important for writing, but they are also important for many daily self-help skills like using utensils, buttoning shirts, and fastening jewelry clasps. Giving your child ample opportunities to work on these skills will help in lots of areas, not just an academic one.
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