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Study: Computer Game Reduces ADD Behavior Issues

[Source: Science Daily]
sage open

Children diagnosed with ADHD can improve their behavior and social interactions in the classroom by playing a computer game that exercises their concentration, finds new research out today. The study marks the 1000th article published in SAGE Open, a peer-reviewed, open-access journal launched in 2011 which covers the full spectrum of the social and behavioral sciences and the humanities.

The software studied in the research syncs with a wireless headband that monitors brainwaves during game-play, and works by adjusting the level of difficulty and scoring system in order to target and train the attention control, working memory, and impulse-control. This neurocognitive training was administered in case studies of five elementary school students in China and resulted in overall improved behavior, assignment completion, and relationships with peers and teachers.
Read the Rest of this Article on Science Daily

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