Monthly Archive
 by Erik X. Raj, CCC-SLP Pop quiz: What is the name of the silly and mischievous holiday that is celebrated each year on April 1st? If you guessed April Fool’s Day, give yourself a round of applause because you nailed it. Great job!…...
[Source:  Medical Express] (Medical Xpress)—Reading-impaired young children have higher levels of the metabolites glutamate and choline in their brains, and these higher levels continue to be indicative of difficulties in developing typical reading and language skills, a Yale study has found. The…...
April Fool’s Day can be a great day for learning opportunities.   Great conversation can be enabled by discussing things that don’t appear as they seem.  It can even parlay into a discussion about the difference between a harmless prank on a…...
March 13, 2014
Children and teenagers with an autism spectrum disorder or those who have attention deficit and hyperactivity problems are much more likely to wish to be another gender. So says John Strang of the Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, DC, USA, leader of the…...
March 12, 2014
[Source:  Teachers with Apps] Review by Nanette Cote, MA, CCC-SLP Oh happy day! I am one, lucky speech pathologist because I have been testing out not one, but FOUR apps by the dynamic: Erik X. Raj. Both my school and private clients have been…...
March 12, 2014
[Source:  Amazon] Book by Leah Kuypers, MA, OT, Autism Specialist The Zones of Regulation is a curriculum geared toward helping students gain skills in consciously regulating their actions, which in turn leads to increased control and problem solving abilities. Using a cognitive…...
March 12, 2014
Congratulations to Laura R., on her new SLP position with PediaStaff’s private pediatric therapy client in Connecticut.    They offer speech, occupational, and physical therapy to children and adolescents ages birth to 21 in clinic, early intervention, and school settings in central…...
March 11, 2014
[Source:  Medical News Today] Improving diagnosis and treatment for individuals with autism has been the focus of a growing body of research. New information from these studies led the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry to revise key parameters for evaluating and treating…...
Editor’s Note:  This beautiful article is going viral.  A must read! [Source:  New York Time Magazine] In our first year in Washington, our son disappeared. Just shy of his 3rd birthday, an engaged, chatty child, full of typical speech — “I love…...
March 11, 2014
 Sorry for the inconvenience:  This article has been removed from residence on our site due to concerns over it’s veracity.    We thank Barbara Chamberlin of New Mexico State University for bringing this issue to our attention. Here is the original article:…...