Monthly Archive
We are grateful to the Batten Disease Support and Research Association for permission to reprint articles and videos from their website. The following is a wonderful introductory video that they have on their homepage. We will share more of their information with…...
February 2, 2011
[Source: Disability Scoop] Individuals with autism are more likely than others to assign blame based on a situation’s negative outcome — whether or not malice was intended — a new study suggests. The reason: people with autism tend to have poor use…...
By: Suzanne Herman, M.Ed., CCC-SLP Copyright 2011. Reprinted with the express permission of the author as it appeared on her weblog Books are an excellent source for therapy ideas and expanding a child’s speech and language skills. For more information on using…...
[Source:] A team of scientists from across the globe have found that gut bacteria may influence mammalian brain development and adult behavior. The study is published in the scientific journal PNAS, and is the result of an ongoing collaboration between scientists…...
[Source:] Researchers at the Center for Injury Research and Policy of The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital examined running-related injuries among children and adolescents 6 to 18 years old and found that an estimated 225,344 cases were treated in U.S.…...
For those of you who missed it – here is the segment on Rett Syndrome that aired on ‘The View’ this past week. It is about 9 minutes long. Please watch and share the Rett Story with others! Learn More About Rett…...
[Source:] University of Pittsburgh researchers have recorded neuron activity in adolescent rat brains that could reveal the biological root of the teenage propensity to consider rewards over consequences and explain why adolescents are more vulnerable to drug addiction, behavioral disorders, and…...
[Source: Science] New technology has made it possible for surgeons to reconstruct ACL tears in young athletes without disturbing the growth plate. John Xerogeanes, MD, chief of the Emory Sports Medicine Center, and colleagues in the laboratory of Allen R. Tannenbaum,…...
As I have mentioned in the past, Judith Kuster hosted a session at the most recent ASHA convention called “Internet Gold.” Here is another one of her great resources! Disfluencies/Stuttering Questions for the Parents – from Spanish Phrasing for SLPs is a…...
Thanks to Your Therapy Source with this week’s Activity of the Week. I particularly like this one because it’s one you can share with your colleagues in the math to spread the word about how important it is to get kids moving!…...