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Book: The Source for Childhood Apraxia of Speech

[Image: sourceforcas.bmp]What causes childhood apraxia of speech? Is it a syndrome? How can I help students with autism who have apraxia? All of these questions, plus many more, will be answered in The Source for Childhood Apraxia of Speech. Benefits Get tips on how to handle a child with Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) who: is resistive to therapy has developmental delays or autism/PDD is very young Contains comprehensive information about children who have this neurologically-based disorder. Defines apraxia and describes its causes and characteristics Explains how to evaluate a student to determine if he has apraxia Includes detailed descriptions of therapy programs for the child with CAS Integrates communication goals to facilitate both speech and language skills simultaneously Learn how to expand utterance length Provides oral-motor facilitation techniques of isolated sound productions Promotes practice at home with activities for parents (Source: 

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