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Feel Good Story of the Week: Boy with Dyslexia Writes Book to Understand his Disability

Editor’s Note:  From time to time, we receive an email that it “takes too many clicks” to read an article we are sharing on our blog/newsletter.   This article is one example of one of those times when we must add a little extra work to your enjoyment of this story, so I thought it would be timely to explain why this must occasionally be.   The Southland Times of New Zealand, published this local story that was picked up by Special Ed Post.   Since PediaStaff became aware of it “but for” Special Ed Post’s great reach, it is only right that our blog link to the Special Ed Post article so that they might receive the rightful web traffic they are due before passing you on further to the local news piece.

[Source:  the Southland Times, via Special Ed]
by Gwyneth Hyndman –

Albert Einstein. Walt Disney. Winston Churchill.
These are just a few famous people rumored to have had dyslexia – and now Invercargill pupil Xavier Thompson can add his name to that list, since the release of his first book How Dyslexics Think.
Published by Craigs Design and Print in Invercargill last month, the partly autobiographical book has been a popular item at St Joseph’s School, where Xavier is a student, and is now for sale at the Te Hikoi Museum in Riverton during the holidays.
The 12-year-old said it was no big deal to have the 36-page project about living with a learning disability published.
Read the Rest of this Article Through a Link on Special Ed Post

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