Monthly Archive
January 1, 2008
Here are the directions on how to create mini movement note pads and shoe boxes. Video provided by Your Therapy Source...
January 1, 2008
By: Gary G. Brannigan, Ph.D. and Howard Margolis, Ed.D. coauthors of Reading Disabilities: Beating The Odds. Part II of this article may be found Here Reprinted with the express permission of the authors as originally published on their Blog. NB: This article is written…...
January 1, 2008
Roberta DePompei (November 02, 2010). The ASHA Leader. “She is a beautiful 4-year-old. She was in the hospital for several months and has a severe brain injury. She can’t speak and has difficulty maintaining balance for sitting. She is more like a…...
January 1, 2008
By: Kummer, A. (2003, October 21). The ASHA Leader. One of the best aspects of the field of speech-language pathology is that there is the opportunity to work in a great variety of job settings with very different clinical populations. A new graduate…...
January 1, 2008
Four year old boy working on hip external rotation, weight shifting, abdominal strengthening lower extremity dissocation and eye foot coordination. This is also a great activity to prepare for donning/ doffing socks and shoes for occupational therapy. Video provided by Your Therapy Source...
January 1, 2008
By: Gary G. Brannigan, Ph.D. and Howard Margolis, Ed.D. coauthors of Reading Disabilities: Beating The Odds. Reprinted with the express permission of the authors as originally published on their blog, NB: This article is written for the parents of children who have Anxiety and…...
January 1, 2008
Four year old boy working on abdominal muscle strengthening, weight bearing through the right lower extremity and lower extremity muscle strengthening. Video provided by Your Therapy Source...
January 1, 2008
This activity idea encourages sensory motor skill development. You should adapt the activity based on the children’s physical abilities. Here are some suggested way to use an indoor ladder path. Visit Your Therapy Source for more sensory motor activity ideas...
January 1, 2008
Williams, D. & Minshew, N. (2010, April 27). The ASHA Leader. Autism spectrum disoders (ASD) clearly affect social functioning, but also have an impact on the development and use of language that extends beyond pragmatics. Because ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, clinicians…...
January 1, 2008
Four year old boy working on heel contact. Velcro is strapped to feet with velcro coins on cards. Go to Your Therapy Sourcefor more sensory motor activity ideas....