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SLP Corner: 5 Tips for an Effective IEP Meeting

[Source:  Bilinguistics]

I had my first IEP meeting in the winter of 2003.  My teacher was running late, my administrator could not be found and the parent, an attorney, pulled out books to refute her child’s ineligibility for speech services.  Since my inaugural meeting, I quickly learned what makes for an effective IEP meeting:

  1.  Agenda, Please We all know that there is a lot to talk about at IEP meetings.  By law, we need to make sure we discuss all topics.  Having an agenda on hand is helpful.  It lets us know where we are going, and it keeps us on track.  If you need one, we’ve got one right here for you to download.  IEP Agenda
  2. Prepare, Prepare, Prepare  Sure, the meeting is when all parties come together.  However, if you do the leg work before the meeting, your chances of having a positive outcome will definitely increase.  First, talk to the teacher and family.  A few weeks before the meeting, I talk to the child’s teacher and family about progress (“How did he do this past year with his sounds/language/social

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