Monthly Archive
July 27, 2012
[Source:  Health Day via Yahoo News] A new technology may enable people who have lost the ability to move their arms or legs to use their eyes to write in cursive, or script. The technology, which enables people to produce smooth eye movements in desired directions, could…...
July 26, 2012
[Source:  Medical News Today] A new study by Harvard researchers suggests that fluoride may lower IQ, casting further doubt on the public health benefits of its inclusion in water supplies. Their review of fluoride/brain studies says “our results support the possibility of adverse…...
by: Ellen Kester & Alejandro Brice  The Korean-American population has been growing steadily since the 1990 census and continues to increase.  As such, the number of school children who speak Korean and English is increasing and it is important for speech therapists to…...
Thanks to our friends at NEPA Special Needs Network for this great news! [Source:  AdWeek] Models with Down syndrome have been making inroads into advertising lately as part of ensemble casts in circulars and catalogs.Now, a 10-month-old Miami girl, Valentina Guerrero, is fronting…...
[Source:] During long breaks from school we’re always looking for something fun (and preferably educational) for Ivan to do. I like to search through Pinterest and parenting blogs looking for fun summer-time activities, but it can be very difficult to find…...
Every once and a while, I find a resource that makes me say ‘WOW!’ is one of those – a veritable treasure trove of resources for parenting and teaching children with visual impairment., is a project funded by Perkins School for…...
by Anne Zachry, OTR/L Have you ever seen a Squiggle, Wiggle Writer? It is a great little vibrating pen that can be used in therapy, and kids absolutely love it! It is triangular in shape and slightly heavy, so it’s great for helping…...
This idea was wildly popular this week with close to 300 repins last week. I also like the idea that was proposed over at Consonantly Speaking on how to use Jenga for articulation Speech Drills without writing on your blocks. Visit our Pin of…...
[Source:  Science Daily] Infants are able to detect how speech communicates unobservable intentions, researchers at New York University and McGill University have found in a study that sheds new light on how early in life we can rely on language to acquire…...
July 23, 2012
Image Source:  NIMH [Source:  Medical News Today] UT Dallas researchers recently demonstrated how nerve stimulation paired with specific experiences, such as movements or sounds, can reorganize the brain. This technology could lead to new treatments for stroke, tinnitus, autism and other disorders. In a related paper,…...